Domain Experts

Domain Experts

The Rise of the Rest team has a list of domain experts (function or industry) with which we maintain relationships. The individuals listed below have graciously offered to chat with ROTR Portfolio CEOs to help hack solutions to targeted problems. Interested in getting in touch with someone listed below?

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🔎 GTM & Scaling

All Domain Experts


All Domain Experts

Leadership Coaching & Org Management

All Domain Experts

🕹️Marketing PR Digital

All Domain Experts

🍯Business & Corporate Development

All Domain Experts

🚎ESG & Impact

All Domain Experts

💫Hiring & People Management

All Domain Experts

💻Tech, Data & Engineering

All Domain Experts

💬Board Formation, Recruiting & Management

All Domain Experts

🏎️Product & Design

All Domain Experts

👾Talent & Culture

All Domain Experts


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